Algonquin Peak Trip Report

January 2020

Algonquin Peak Trip Report

Just after 8:30AM On January 12th, 2021, Paul and I began our Algonquin Peak hike from the Adirondak Loj.

Our pace was easy, in fact, my heart rate was Zone 1 for most of the hike. My pack was heavy from emergency winter gear and trail conditions were a bit tricky. There was an awkward amount of snow. There definitely wasn't enough snow for snowshoes, so we bare-booted before eventually switching to spikes. The snow obscured some rocks and roots, but wasn't deep enough to fill in the gaps and just made these obstacles even more slippery.

MacIntyre Brook Falls

The scrambles were icy. I got to try out my new ice axe (thanks Greg!) which helped.

We made it most of the way up the mountain and decided to call it a day, having both already summited this peak before. It was a cloudy day with poor trail conditions and we knew there would be no summit view.

The hike out was quick and despite the lack of summit, it was a great day in the woods!


Keep in mind we didn't summit this day, so our stats are shorter!

  • 7.19 miles
  • 3.5 hours moving time
  • 2,575 feet of elevation gain.