Galentine's Day Hike (Sawteeth Mountain Trip Report)

A trip up Sawteeth Mountain in the Adirondacks with Jenn and Lachlan

Galentine's Day Hike (Sawteeth Mountain Trip Report)

On Saturday, February 13th, 2021, I hiked Sawteeth Mountain with Jenn and Lachlan. This was my 3rd time on this mountain, but only my 2nd successful summit.

Paul and I first attempted this peak in March 2019. There was so much snow that the trail junction sign that marks the Weld Trail from the Scenic Route was covered. We accidentially passed the junction and then decided to just commit to the Scenic Route. This difficult trail was not broken at all so the two of us were fighting through waist deep powder. We got close to the summit but there was a necessary ladder incased in ice and snow... we couldn't even see where it was. We tried to find another way up but were cliffed out and Paul's snowshoe broke so we turned back. The section near the lake was brutal due to the wind.

Paul returned successfully in the summer (via the Weld Trail) and then again with me in November 2019. Jenn, Lachlan, and I also took the Weld Trail. The 4.1 mile hike along Lake Road was uneventful, but when we stopped just before the dam for Jenn to change her layers, I got super cold. It was a freezing day and it took courage to even leave the car that morning.

I already wanted to go home, but no one else seemed interested, so we continued on. This was my longest hike and first high peak in a while, so I felt pretty out of shape. Jenn and Lachlan definitely led the way up this peak. After a few uphill miles, we made it to the summit and I was glad that I didn't quit!

Summit view

The summit view consists of some trees and the Great Range.

Jenn on the summit

Happy Galentine's Day!


National Geographic map


My watch clocked 12.72 miles, 3,441 feet of elevation gain, and a moving time of just over five hours.


This is probably my last day in the High Peaks before I move to Seattle to start my engineering career... so I'm definitely glad that I got to spend it with some friends and didn't quit!