Giant's Nubble

I had wanted to visit this lookout for years, but never managed to fit it into a Giant trip before.

Giant's Nubble

Halloween Hike: 10/31/20

Happy Halloween!

Greg and I slept in and then left for the Adirondacks around 12:30PM. We arrived at the Giant Route 73 trailhead around 2:30 for a late afternoon hike up to the Nubble. I had wanted to visit this lookout for years, but never managed to fit it into a Giant trip before.

The sun over Round Mountain

The sun was already pretty low in the sky when we started. That was okay though because we were prepared with headlamps and warm clothes, even though we planned to finish our hike before sunset.

Ice beginning to form on Giant's Washbowl

There was already some ice forming on the Washbowl! The hike up to this point was a bit steep, but mellows out after the turnoff to the Nubble.

View of the Washbowl from above

I love this view!


We were also excited to get to see some snow.

View of the Washbowl from above

The only disappointing part of this hike was the trash we found near the trailhead. We carried out a discarded hat, shirt, and Mountain Dew bottle.

What a fun half day hike! After, we celebrated with some soup and hot chocolate from Old Mountain Coffee and fries from Noonmark Diner.

Mileage: 3.28 miles

Elevation Gain: 1,199 feet
