Happy Outside With Greg

Happy birthday, Greg!

Happy Outside With Greg

Today Greg is 22!

Since we are currently in a long distance relationship, we can’t be together today. So I assembled 22 happy moments that we have spent together (in the outdoors) from other days instead!

  1. Watching the stars together at Marcy Dam and standing a little bit too close the night before we hiked our first high peak together… Colden!

2. Waking up at 3:30am to watch the best sunrise of my life on Algonquin. I was lazy and didn’t want to carry up my sleeping bag from camp so we shared yours on the summit. I asked for your Snapchat (you didn’t know it). Then, we hiked Iroquis (with some beautiful cloud inversion) and then Wright--  where we shared our first kiss!

3. Exploring off trail in winter on Buck Mountain.


4. Becoming Lake George 12sters together!

5. Bushwhacking around a high water stream crossing in spring to complete our first Saranac Lake 6er! It was fun to explore the village together afterwards too.

6. Washing off in Grizzly Falls in Kings Canyon after our very exciting camping trip!

7. Finishing my first trail race. I ran 14 steep miles! And I would have switched to a shorter race if it wasn’t for you.

8. Paddling among wild dolphins, sea lions, and kelp forests while kayaking off of Santa Cruz.

9. Leading my first climb at Thacher… another scary thing that you encouraged me to do!

10. Testing out my first ever, brand new DSLR camera and getting an amazing view on Colvin IN WINTER.

11. Finding out we weren’t going to have to eat raw pasta on Indian Head.

12. Waiting two hours for sunset on West Bond.

13. Exploring the ruins of the old hotel on Overlook Mountain with Jenn and Lachlan.

14. Hiking Gothics with a bunch of our friends only to receive the most amazing, clear views IN WINTER. Nevermind the fact that it was -10 degrees and if we stopped moving my toes would go numb…

15. Learning to ice climb with you for the first time in December 2017.

16. Eating room temperature pasta sauce and genuinely enjoying it on our Black Mountain camping trip in Lake George.

17. Hanging out on the summit of Big Slide for a half hour in the winter while we waited for the rest of our group.

18. Playing 36 Questions to Fall in Love at Kaaterskill Falls.

19. Rock climbing at Shelving Rock… until you almost grabbed a snake.

20. Watching the sunrise at Thacher… before work!

21. Sending ice (with cold hands) at Chapel Pond Canyon with our pals. :)

22. Our after-work rock and ice climbing sessions at Thacher and Plotterkill! I love making the most of every single day with you.