I Have A Climbing Proj

I have a climbing project now! It's called "Left Hand Indian Man" at Indian Rock in Castle Rock State Park. It's got slopey underclings, crimps, crack climbing footwork, and kneebars. It's rated V4.

I Have A Climbing Proj

I have a climbing project now! It's called "Left Hand Indian Man" at Indian Rock in Castle Rock State Park. It's got slopey underclings, crimps, crack climbing footwork, and kneebars. It's rated V4.

I tried it a little the first time we went bouldering there, and thought that it was hard but some of the moves were doable. Then I went back by myself today, and made good progress on it. I figured out a sequence for the second half of the climb, though I need to work out the top out and the transition from the real starting holds to where I was starting the second half.

It took me hours to make this much progress.

And here's the written beta that I jotted down on my phone while I was resting before the attempt in the video:

Start left hand in the gastony crack as high as possible. Right hand on crimpy underling. Left foot cammed in crack down low, right foot  smearing next to it. Pull off the mat with a straight left arm and a left knee in the crack. Bump right hand up to intermediate side pull crimp,  then bump right again to slopey triangle. Cross right foot into crack above left, cam it. Left foot smear to the left of it. Bump right hand to hold in the start of the crimpy rail. Jam left foot deep into the  crack above right foot, need the toe engaged. Go left hand up left to the side of the boulder. Right hand to the top triangle hold. Then shimmy feet up and top out.