Muir Woods

A lazy day near the bay.

Muir Woods

We were slow getting up the day after getting back from our Yosemite trip, but eventually we decided to go checkout Muir Woods National Monument, up near SF.

A cross section of a 1000+ year old coast redwood tree.
Entrance to Cathedral Grove where the Charter for the United Nations was signed.

This trip was a relaxed one, we wandered through the well-maintained trails, going up the Redwood Creek Trail and looping back on the Hillside Trail for a 2 mile stroll.

We stopped often to admire and photograph the Coastal Redwoods and burbling creek.

Eventually we left the main entrance, and on the road out instinctively stopped at Muir Beach!

At Muir Beach we saw birds, dogs, and surfers enjoying the late afternoon light.

This was one of those trips that we planned on the day of, and didn't have any expectations for, since we'd never seen pictures of the park before. We were ended up having a pleasant day enjoying the woods, the beach, and each other's company.