Rainbow Falls Trip Report

Another iconic ADK location off the bucket list!

Rainbow Falls Trip Report

Wednesday, 11/4/20

I arrived at the St. Huberts trailhead just after 6AM. I was only the third car in the lot and when I finished my hike around 10AM, there were still several open spots in the lot and the Roaring Brook trailhead across the street was empty.

It was a beautiful, clear day but the temperatures would warm up to be 40-50 degrees. The snow conditions were firm and perfect when I started, but began to get slushier on the way out.

I made great time along Lake Road, arriving at the dam as the sun was just hitting the mountain tops. I had met another hiker, the first one I had seen all day, on my way in. He warned me that he had planned to do the whole Lower Great Range that day but snow conditions were bad so he changed his mind and turned back early after the dam.

I had originally planned to do Pyramid Peak, but wasn't terribly committed to it if it would require suffering awful conditions all day.

Early sun still not hitting the valley

The dam was beautiful in the early morning light. I felt the force of nature as the wind rushed me and the water roared.

I soon came to the Weld trail junction. I admired the tall sign, thinking about how last year it was completely covered by several feet of snow!

The conditions off Lake Road were definitely worse. There was enough snow to obscure the rocks and roots but not enough to allow you to safely pass over them without slipping, tripping, or falling into gaps! There were a few times I was grateful to not have injured my foot or ankle.

I didn't want to hike 8 miles just to see the dam, so I decided to at least go to Rainbow Falls (which I had also never seen) and I would make my decision from there. The trail to the falls was a bit confusing with the unbroken snow. When I got close, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to go up or follow the water closely (which I was afraid of falling into). I tried going up, which looked like it could be the trail at first, but it petered out. I carefully climbed back down, punching through what looked like stable snow near the bottom. My foot flexed in an unnatural way, but somehow I was not injured.

I followed the water until the falls came into view.

The day was beginning to warm up with the rising sun so I did not get too close to the falls. Every so often, I could hear the eerie sound of crashing chunks of ice.

I took photos and enjoyed the falls for a bit, before turning back.

Trail conditions were worsening with the warming weather, but I was soon back at the junction. I definitely could make it up to Pyramid, but it would be a long, wet slog of a day (with an increased chance of injury due to bad conditions). And I just wasn't interested in that.

I decided to save Pyramid for a snowshoe later in the winter.

Back at the dam

Even Lake Road was melting on my way out. I could occasionally see patches of dirt.

The walk out was pretty long but uneventful. I ran small portions of it, but it was awkward due to my hiking boots and backpack. It was nice to cross off another iconic Adirondack destination!

Mileage: 9.58 miles

Gain: 1,108 feet


Note: this hike is on AMR land, which has special restrictions (no camping, dogs, hunting, fires, etc.). Do your own research on their rules before hand!