Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve

Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve

I went out for another solo hike to Russian Ridge OSP on a midday Saturday. I was feeling cooped up in the house, but didn't want to drive far. It was so nice to get out and hike!

Alpine Pond

I parked at the lot on the corner of Alpine Road and Skyline Boulevard, initially walked uphill and northwest on the Ridge Trail, but after forgetting something in the parking lot, decided to try the less traveled trail downhill and southeast, through a tunnel under the road. Shortly after the tunnel I came to Alpine Pond, which had a heron perched on a rock, a closed nature center, and a boggy smell! After admiring the pond for a bit, I wandered out to the Ipiwa Trail, on which I emerged from the forest and traversed across the ridge.

A herd path in a field on the ridge

At some point crossing into Skyline Ridge OSP, I continued on the trail until I got to a shady bench with a nice view. Thinking of my days reviewing benches in Iceland and on Long Island, I stopped for a water and picture break.

A bench about to get sit on
The view from the bench, south across the valley

I was about to give the bench a 4/5, but then a swarm of flies started buzzing around my face, so I got up to leave. 1/5 bench. Too buggy.

A view back towards the way I came on the trail

I swear that I'm getting soft. It must've only been in the 80s, but the dry air and cloudless sky were making me hot! I wasn't the only one that was feeling the sun, I spotted a lot of small lizards on the trail. It looks like they might be Western Fence Lizards.

A lizard getting some sun on the trail

Arriving at the junction with the Sunny Jim Trail, I made a right, down into the valley, then made another sharp right down to Horseshoe Lake. Which really is shaped like a horseshoe! The lake was lively with birds and dragonflies.

I meandered around the lake, waited for a family of ducks to cross the trail, then retraced my steps back to my car. Another wholesome day out!