The Ultimate Glacier Mountaineering Packing List

Mountaineering: known for beautiful glaciers, airy scrambles, alpine flora, pikas... and heavy packs. Half the sport is cutting weight as safely, and efficiently, as possible. Here's our go-to list.

The Ultimate Glacier Mountaineering Packing List

Mountaineering: known for beautiful glaciers, airy scrambles, alpine flora, pikas... and heavy packs. Half the sport is cutting weight as safely, and efficiently, as possible. Here's our go-to list:

*Depending on the objective, conditions, team experience level, or preference, your list may vary!

  • Mountaineering boots
  • Approach shoes/trail runners
  • Crampons
  • Ice axe
  • Lightweight gloves
  • Harness
  • Climbing helmet
  • Rope
  • Crevasse rescue kit. Ours consists of:

-- Picket (Yates V, mid-clip cable)

-- NanoTraxion on a locker

-- Tibloc on locker

-- Pulley on locker

-- Hollowblock / Prusik cord on locker

-- Double length sling on a carabiner (for extending your rappel/ascending out of the crevasse)

-- Single length sling on a carabiner (for girth hitching whatever you use to prep the crevasse lip to a deadman anchor... so it doesn't fall onto your already unlucky partner in the crevasse)

-- Belay device (guide mode capable for ascending out of/rappelling into the crevasse)

-- Optional spare locker and carabiner