To Do: 46er Finish Hike

I only have one hike left to be an Adirondack 46er!

To Do: 46er Finish Hike


I'm a 46er!

I only have one hike left to be an Adirondack 46er!

Mount Haystack, Basin Mountain, and Saddleback mountain are my last three peaks. This hike is supposed to be one of the best of the 46, but with 18.5+ miles and 5,761 feet of elevation gain, it should be a long day.

View from Mount Haystack

Haystack is supposed to have beautiful views, a rocky summit, and a fun last scramble from Little Haystack.

View from Basin Mountain

Due to the length and to avoid crowds, I'd like to start very early for this hike.

View from Saddleback Mountain

Saddleback Mountain has a fun, famous scramble near the summit that I'm really excited for.


I'm hoping to use my trail running pack to move light and fast on this trip.

I want to get all the peaks in one day like the Dix Range.

I'm hoping to pre-hydrate so I'm prepared for this long day and planning to bring running gels or hearty snacks like nuts so I have a lot of calories. I want to bring the essential gear but keep my pack as light as possible to avoid stressing my sesamoids any more than necessary.

I can't wait to finish my 46!