Enchantments Thru-Hike Trip Report (July 2024)

Sometimes it's hard to see how far you've come until you look back.

Enchantments Thru-Hike Trip Report (July 2024)

July 28, 2024

From Emily's watch...

Mileage: 20.3 miles

Elevation Gain: 5,312 feet

Moving Time: 10:35

Elapsed Time: 14:54

No pets, foot travel only, 8 person group size limit, no fires, overnight permit required.


Just over three years since my solo thru-hike, I returned for another one day visit with Clarisse and Emily.

We car camped the night before, staying at a "climbers camp" off of Eight Mile Road. It's a simple pack-in-pack-out spot, with a clean portapotty courtesy of Leavenworth Climbing Association. There's a lot of late night and early morning traffic on Eight Mile and Icicle Creek Roads, so bring earplugs/an eyemask if that will bother you!

We got up early the next morning to catch our 5AM Loop Connector Shuttle. When I shuttled in 2021, there was only 1 van. The owner talked about investing in it as an upgrade from their personal minivan that they used to shuttle hikers in.

Now there were 3 vans! And I assume another employee (driving the third van), besides the husband and wife owners.

Consistent with the expansion of the Loop Connector Shuttle, there were many, many more hikers thru-hiking the Enchantments than there were in 2021. During my last hike, I was sometimes alone for hours. The other hikers I did see, I got to know by name. This year, it felt like we were in a conga line at times.

In 2021, I hiked on Sunday, July 25. This year, we hiked on Sunday, July 28. My 2021 Loop Connector Shuttle driver told me that though Saturdays were very busy, Sundays were pretty quiet in the Enchantments. In 2024, it seems like the secret is out and Sundays are now also busy! Luckily, everyone we saw was courteous to each other.

Colchuck Lake

The first four miles flew by. We took a break at Colchuck Lake for snacks and photos before beginning the climb around the boulder field and up Aasgard Pass.

My three years in Washington have served me well. I felt fitter and much more comfortable on rock so this climb felt easier than last time!

The Core was magical as always. There were so many goats!

Prusik Peak

Coming back to this zone as a mountaineer, I felt so inspired by all the iconic alpine climbs we hiked past! I'd love to return to climb Dragontail, Acid Baby, or Prusik Peak!

Crystal Lake
Perfection Lake, with Prusik Peak in the back
Hiking along Perfection Lake
Slabs above Snow Lakes

My fear of heights has gotten so much better! The last time I did this hike, there were several rocky sections, including the rocky slabs below Lake Viviane and above Snow Lakes, that terrified me! This year, I couldn't believe those sections ever scared me at all– they felt so easy!

Nada Lake

Below Snow Lakes, the trail gets less steep and eroded. But the rocky terrain still wasn't easy on our tired legs.

Nada Lake

We passed time asking questions (what are the top 5 most beautiful places you've ever been? 3 favorite foods?) and counting switchbacks until we finally made it back to Emily's car!!

It was a long day, but I enjoyed experiencing this beautiful place with my beautiful friends! It was nice to see how far I have come in progressing past my fear of heights. Sometimes it's hard to see how far you've come until you look back. :)